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Our Collaborations

Public Education | Philanthropy | Women's Leadership | Civic Engagement


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America to Me

America to Me series addresses the issues of race and privilege in a highly resourced integrated public school. It illuminates the personal and interpersonal frameworks that contribute to segregation and systemic racism throughout our country.


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First Union Foundation

In the late 1980s under the leadership of Judy Allison, First Union launched a corporate foundation with a novel program, Excellence in Education, where employees were allowed paid time each month to participate in public school teaching efforts.

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CMS Parent University

Launched in 2008, Parent University is a community collaborative led by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools to help parents become full partners in their children’s education.

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​Duke Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative

In the Social Innovation Practicum, students engage with social entrepreneurs and other practitioners to learn about and support the design, development, validation, assessment, and scaling up of innovative, sustainable approaches to addressing critical social and environmental problems in North Carolina and around the world.

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America to Me
First Union Foundation
CMS Parent University
Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative

Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute

​FPG was founded in 1966 to conduct research that would make a difference in children's lives, support families, and inform public policy. Since its inception FPG has recognized that every child deserves a safe, healthy and stimulating childhood.

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Frank Port Graham Chid Development Institute

​Building a 21st Century Movement
for Integration

In 2015, half of CMS schools were segregated by race—meaning at least 80 percent of their student population is one race—and a third are segregated by poverty. Residential segregation and struggling elementary schools contribute to Charlotte’s lack of economic mobility. Studies show that students who attend racially isolated schools are more likely to be arrested and land lower-paying jobs.

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Race and The Leandro Plan: Community of Practice

The state constitution guarantees that all North Carolina children have access to a sound, basic education.

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21st Century Movement
The Leandro Plan

EveryChild NC

Every Child NC is a community-led, statewide coalition of organizations, parents, teachers, and students who advocate for every child’s constitutional right to a sound, basic education.

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Every Child NC

The CMS Foundation

The development and redesign of the public school foundation to create a trusted bridge between the district and private donors

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CMS Foundation

The Public School Forum of North Carolina

The development and redesign of the public school foundation to create a trusted bridge between the district and private donors

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Public School Forum of NC

​The Color of Education

Color of Education is a partnership between the Public School Forum of North Carolina, the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University, and the Center for Child and Family Policy at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy.

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The Color of Education

​Women's Impact Fund

Since its inception in 2003, Women’s Impact Fund has grown into a collective giving fund with more than 500 members awarding over

$6.8 million in grants and continues to be a leading women’s group for philanthropy, education and engagement in the region.

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Women's Impact Fund

​Duke University and Darren Walker Task Force

Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation was invited by Duke’s Center for Documentary Studies and Sanford’s School of Public Policy, to focus on  “Changing the Narrative and Changing the Actions that

Support Inequality in North Carolina."

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Darren Walker Task Force

North Carolina Democratic Party

North Carolina Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign and served on the 2020 Women’s Leadership Council.

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NC Democratic Party

Public School Friends

Public School Friends is a Charlotte, NC network of PTA & PTO leaders, families, school employees, millennials, and retirees informing and engaging their communities around policy and funding issues that affect public education.

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Public School Friends
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